painting >
(after Chicago-based painter Jim Lutes)
Nihonga is water-based natural mineral color for a traditional Japanese style of craft painting, which is now used for contemporary Japanese nail polish.
The gestural image of this work came from Jim Lutes, the Chicago-based painter who is a child of two workers for the former Manhattan Project. Nozomi has been interested in looking at American artists whose work possibly visualizes the psychological distress of the country that dropped the atomic bombs. This is a painting installation created in relation to the view from the gallery window, which reminded the artist of the Chicago School of Architecture (steel-frame construction technologies in commercial buildings).
Nozomi used to have an art studio in the Sullivan Center in Downtown Chicago designed by Louis Sullivan when she was at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Louis Sullivan was a mentor for Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous architect who survived by selling Japanese woodcut prints when he could not make money from architecture.